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Author Topic: Вампиррры. Перевод с рельс ДнД и обсуждение сюжета.


  • Icebreaker
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« Reply #15: 08 February 2005, 19:37 »
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Это ты к чему??? Смешно ,конечно, это да.  Но, блин, не может быть верным. Мы про гурпс говорим, там исцеление - школа отдельная.

Дело не в школе, дело в реализации сценария если можно так сказать.

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Создаю мир и просматриваю вариант развития событий. Вполне возможно, затронет игроков. А может, и нет.

В таком случае надо подходит к делу еще серьезнее. Логически обосновывать и т.д. Могу еще раз посоветовать почитать Ламли. Особено третью книгу если не ошибаюсь, где дело происходит на планете вампиров, где люди, предки цыган, выжывают на планете населенной вампирами некоторым оригинальным образом.

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В ЭТОМ нисколько не сомневаюсь. Ну, дошел до короля. Что дальше? Перестанет в глаза смотреть - король прочухается. Можно, конечно, кровищи испить, но причем тут серый кардинализм?

Чарм вампирский если не ошибаюсь, не прерывается когда взгляд отводится. Еще раз напоминаю про гулей. А серый кардинал, он ведь на самом деле страной управляет и власть имеет, а чуть что, все шишки на короля. Вот при том тут и кардинализм.

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Ага, как в теме про атмосферу, червячка на 46 хитов спустить. 8-) Угу, млин, развлекаюсь я так - создал мир, уничтожил вместе с игроками... :0) Или по методу Перумова - выплюнул их в другой, опять уничтожил...

Ну тогда к чему тогда мучатся? Забрось их сразу в мир населенный одними только вампирами.
Никогда не приписывайте злому умыслу то, что вполне можно объяснить глупостью. Бритва Хэнлона.


  • Guest
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« Reply #16: 08 February 2005, 20:13 »
---Ну тогда к чему тогда мучатся? Забрось их сразу в мир населенный одними только вампирами.

И ты МЕНЯ называешь маньяком??? :-))) Угу, надо подумать. Интересная идея.


  • Icebreaker
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« Reply #17: 09 February 2005, 09:57 »
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И ты МЕНЯ называешь маньяком??? ) Угу, надо подумать. Интересная идея.

Ну а кого еще считать? Это ведь твое желание, угробить партию. Так если это ве, что тебе надо, зачем долго что-то выдумывать?
Никогда не приписывайте злому умыслу то, что вполне можно объяснить глупостью. Бритва Хэнлона.


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« Reply #18: 12 February 2005, 09:47 »
Во-первых, GURPS - это НЕ D&D.
Во-вторых, если ты так хочешь Dark Fantasy присмотрись к Равенлофту. Пускай мир и D&D'шный, но карты и локации там очень даже не плохие. Тем более если учесть схемы замков из второй редакции. Переделай его, убери эльфов и прочее.
Добавь созданий из Creatures Of The Night.
Почитай GURPS Horror и GURPS Undead.

Вампирs из GURPS Fantasy.
Quote (selected)

Vampires 100 points

Vampires are magical, undead creatures who still walk upon the earth. They must feed on the blood of living beings in  order to continue their undead existence. Not all vampires are evil, but most are, and even the good ones must be totally ruthless to survive! There is no “race” of vampires; all vampires were once ordinary beings who were bitten by another vampire.

Advantages: A vampire's ST is doubled; HT is increased by
5, and they have a DR of 2. Vampires also have the Night Vision and Immunity to Disease advantages. Metal weapons pass through them without effect, but they take full damage from any weapon made of wood or other plant material. They cannot be poisoned. Magical attacks (and high-tech ray guns) affect them as normal. Vampires do not age. They also have powerful magics (see below) which they can use at no energy cost.

Disadvantages: Vampires are magical; they require mana in
order to exist. A vampire in a no-mana area loses 1 HT per turn, soon aging to a powder-dry corpse. The level of mana doesn't affect them — they are just as powerful at low mana as high.

Almost all vampires are (justifiably) Paranoid.

Vampires cannot cross open running water under their own
power. A vampire cannot enter a dwelling for the first time without being invited by someone within.

If exposed to direct sunlight, the vampire takes one hit of damage per minute. Heavy clothing halves this damage. Even indirect sunlight (e.g. indoors) hurts their eyes terribly; they are at DX-4 on all actions.

Vampires lose one HT every day at noon. If they do not spend the daytime hours in a coffin filled with the earth of their home-land, they lose two extra HT at noon each day. A vampire whose coffin is opened between sunup and sundown is mentally stunned; it must make an IQ roll before reacting!

A vampire will take 2 dice of damage from holy water.
However, a mere vial-full will only annoy him. It takes a pint of
water to do 2 dice damage.

Daily HT loss can only be replenished by drinking the blood of an intelligent mammalian creature using the Steal Health spell (see below). A vampire cannot repair his daily HT loss through healing (though healing spells will cure other injury). A vampire has no reserve of HT below 0. If his HT is reduced to -1, he crumbles to dust!

Friends and Enemies: Everyone reacts with hatred and fear
(usually justified) to a known or suspected vampire. If a reaction roll is needed, make it at -6.

Likes and Dislikes: A vampire can sometimes be turned by a holy symbol in the possession of a true believer, as long as the wielder is conscious and actively presenting the symbol. If such an attempt is made, try a Contest of IQ between vampire and foe (Strong Will counts!); if the vampire loses the contest, he may not touch the holy symbol or its user on that day, and must stay at least 3 hexes away from the symbol when possible (even if it means fleeing). If the vampire ties or wins, then the symbol doesn't affect him! If affected, the vampire may try a Contest of Fast-Talk vs. IQ, modified by Strong or Weak Will, to charm his victim into putting down the holy symbol.

A vampire must roll vs. HT-5 to cross any portal sealed with garlic, or, in general, to tolerate the odor of garlic without fleeing.

Vampire Magic Vampires automatically know five spells at level 15: Shapeshifting, Steal Health, Control Mammal, Charm, and Body of Air. These spells may not be studied or improved; they are inherent to the vampire (though the vampire may learn other spells, and even be a mage). There is no energy cost for them to use any of these spells.

Shapeshifting — The vampire can take the form of a giant
bat; the change (either way) takes 3 seconds.

Giant bat — wingspan of 12 feet. He has normal
ST, DX 13, normal HT, DR 3. Speed becomes 20! He attack by
slashing with his talons in close combat, doing thrust/impaling
damage based on his ST. Weight is halved. Size: 1 hex.

Steal Health — For every minute the vampire spends feeding on the blood of an unconscious or helpless victim, the victim loses 3 HT, while the vampire gains either 1 HT or 1 ST, as the vampire chooses. If the victim's HT drops below 0, he dies. The marks left by this feeding are unmistakable.

Mammal Control — The vampire may control the actions of one large mammal (any size) or a group of small ones (up to 100 lbs. total weight). This spell can be used on intelligent mammals (IQ 8 or greater), but it is resisted at +2.

Charm — A victim who fails to resist this spell (roll vs. IQ) becomes the vampire's faithful slave and obeys any command, no matter how dangerous. The vampire must instruct the subject verbally or in writing, though the victim will automatically protect the vampire, even without orders. In all other respects, the subject will be mentally normal and alert. He will be unable to explain (and unwilling to think about) his loyalty to the vampire. This spell takes 3 seconds to cast, and lasts one minute after the vampire leaves the subject's presence. Once a person successfully resists a vampire's charm, that person is immune to this particular vampire's charm forever. However, once successfully charmed, each successive attempt by the same vampire will be resisted at - 2 (with a maximum of -10). After five successful charms, the vampire may make that subject an “agent” who will remain charmed 24 hours a day, and will devote themselves to caring for and protecting the vampire. A vampire may have only one agent at a time.

Body of Air — The body of the vampire becomes vaporous,
along with his clothing and any small objects he carries. In this
misty form, he can change shape, seep through cracks, float
through the air. He can no longer by affected by physical attacks, but he cannot do physical harm either. This spell may not be used in combination with the shapeshifting spell — the vampire must return to human form first. If exposed to direct sunlight while in mist form, the vampire dies instantly.


  • Guest
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« Reply #19: 12 February 2005, 12:19 »
Видел, однако это не совсем то... Я как раз по Равенлофту и делал.