03 December 2024, 21:17

Author Topic: Тема для вопросов мастеру


  • Icebreaker
  • *
  • Posts: 7716
    • RPG diary
В помощь мастеру:
  • Combat Flowchart – This is a reproduction of the GURPS "combat flow chart" found on pp. CII 48-51, but formatted to fit on both sides of a single standard 8.5" ? 11" sheet of paper. PDF Version
  • Combat Table – This is a collation of all of the tables and modifiers referenced by the 'combat flow chart' (above), also reformatted to fit on both sides of a single standard 8.5" ? 11" sheet of paper.
    PDF Version
  • Combat Cards – This document contains all of the possible combat maneuvers and active defenses from the GURPS core rulebooks, formatted so each maneuver and all relevant modifiers/rules fit on a single standard index card. PDF Version
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