Брайан Фарго и студия inXile Entertainment выложили в сеть Vision Document игры Wasteland 2, в котором на 10-ти страницах изложено их видение игрового сеттинга и геймплея. Документ (PDF) смотреть
Выдержка из дока:
RPG: RPGs haven’t kept pace with time - they've regressed and even worse, taken pride in less role-
playing than before. Important elements have been lost over time, sacrificed to technology, art
constraints, voice-over expenses, and multi-platform console constraints. Wasteland 2 has no such
limitations, it brings these RPG elements back, takes them out of the attic, and makes them part of
gameplay again.
True RPGs allow options, allow you to make fundamental choices in customization and character
creation, and most importantly, allow you to role-play and make your impact in a living world and see
the consequences around you.