Qui-Gon: We'll have to find some money somehow. What's my character's alignment again?
GM: You're a Jedi knight. Upholder of Justice throughout the Galaxy.
Qui-Gon: So...?
GM: Lawful Good. In theory.
Qui-Gon: Right. So if we rob people, we should make sure they're gangsters first.
R2-D2: Let's just recap here.
R2-D2: We've given away our only means of transportation to someone to throw a race in which, at our insistence, he is no longer competing.
R2-D2: We've bet all our money on a nine-year-old driver who has never raced before, in a vehicle he built in his backyard—
Jar Jar: Whatsa never been driven before!
R2-D2: We've sold all of our decent weapons to raise the money for the aforesaid bet.
R2-D2: And if by some bizarre unforeseen chance we don't win...
R2-D2: ...you've agreed to hand the Queen of a planet we're meant to be helping over to a sadistic slave-owner—
Jar Jar: And Shmi will comesa after us, muy angry!
R2-D2: That too. Thank you Sally.
R2-D2: And a group of mercenaries, armed by you, Jim, will expect you to help them capture... you.
Qui-Gon: That's about right.
R2-D2: This campaign is awesome.